Q&A with Beth Macari on International Women’s Day
9th March 2016By Eamon Richards
Question 1. From your experience as a female musician, have you experienced any differences from male musicians in the music industry (like being treat differently)?
No, in my experience no matter if it’s male or female musicians I am working with, we have been treated equally and, of course, treat one another with respect. However, I would be ignorant, if not to mention, that on numerous occasions my voice/music has been overlooked where males have instead focused on my appearance.
Question 2. What are your views on female musicians in the North East? Are they overlooked or do not gain the attention they deserve?
As a female musician I have personally found that if you put in the effort and hard work to be given attention, the North East music scene appreciates that and responds regardless of gender.
Question 3. Personally, how has your time been as a musician in the North East?
The North East has been a great platform, I have learnt a lot and it has given me great opportunities to develop as an artist.
It will always be my home.
Question 4. Over the time you have been a musician, have you seen change in gender equality in the music industry?
To be honest, I do believe that we have yet to achieve total gender equality within the world, let alone the music industry. However, as my career is still forming, and I am developing as an artist, I have, thankfully, not come across a severe situation of inequality yet.