Single Review: Steven Faulkner – The Man You Deserve

Single Review: Steven Faulkner – The Man You Deserve

21st February 2021 Off By Ewan Gleadow

Copyright: Steven Faulkner

The prominent single of his Bare Bones – Acoustic album, The Man You Deserve is a simple, effective track from Steven Faulkner.  

Not quite as stripped back as his album would suggest, The Man You Deserve is a cacophony of instruments which set the stage for Faulkner’s exceptional talent as a singer. He provides a grand variety here, showcasing the best of his craft, but even that, paired with repetitive, simple melodies, is not enough to push into greatness. 

Relatively simple chords and a slow, bubbling feeling to the piece is present, but does not manage to excel at anything it does. It is solid, but it is not a song that smacks as the next best item. There are pockets of brilliance in The Man You Deserve that need to be tapped into more.  

Soppy the lyrics may be, the sombre acoustics and strong vocals of Faulkner salvage The Man You Deserve rather well. He comes through intact as an interesting voice of the genre, armed only with a guitar and his experiences.  

You can listen to The Man You Deserve on Spotify.