Team Fortress 2 – The Mayann Project

28th April 2016 Off By Paul Farrell

The Latest Community Created Update hot off the heels of End of the Line, The Mayann Project is Team Fortress’s latest update.

Team Fortress 2’s community is a buzz with workshop ideas being submitted in light of the latest teaser for the upcoming Mayann Project update.

Released back in 2009, Team Fortress 2 is one of Valve’s main juggernaut games, featuring nine colourful and crazy mercenaries, creative and cartoonishly designed weapons, and great well-balanced gameplay, its easy to see why it has such a healthy community. Back in 2014, a Youtuber by the name of James McVinne worked with Valve to produce the End of the Line update, included with the update was a new map, a short movie, and a new melee weapon and cosmetics for each class. After the huge success of James’ update, Valve has since released some guidelines on how community updates will be handled.

And now several steam users who are avid workshop users, JPRAS (who created the Sniper’s Manngaroo costume for Scream Fortress 2014) Svdl (creator of the Nostromo Napalmer), Vlek (who also worked on End of the Line) and Sparkwire (who created the boxtrot taunt for the Spy) are teaming up with Source Filmmaker Youtuber The Winglet (creator of the fedora chronicles) to create The Mayann Project – a community created update for Team Fortress 2 on the same calibre of James McVinne’s End of the Line update.

The update is South American jungle and exploration themed and features a short film starring the nine mercenaries on a quest to recover a lost artefact and get themselves back in business, the update will also feature community created particle effects, weapons, cosmetics and maps, one of which will tie into the events of the short film.

Steam Community members can send in their ideas for weapons and cosmetics and other items for a chance for them to be featured in the update and possibly the short film too, a link to the project’s website will be provided, so go ahead and check it out if you want to support the community of such a great game

All in all I cannot wait for this update as Team Fortress is one of my personal favourite games on the PC. And if you guys have a PC you own then by all means get it, after all its been Free to Play since 2011.